par R. WALSH

Turin, 1829

Robert Walsh’in ünlü seyahatnamesinin Fransızca çevirisinin nadir Torino baskısı. Kitabın ilk baskısı İngilizce olarak 1828’de Londra’da basılmıştı. Walsh İstanbul’a 1821 yılında İngiliz elçiliğinin rahibi olarak gelmişti. Müzayedeye sunulan kitapta kaydedilen seyahat 1824-1825 yıllarında yazarın İngiltere’ye geri dönüş yolunda gördüklerini anlatır. Walsh 1830 yılında İstanbul’a tekrar gelmiş ve 1835’e kadar şehirde kalmıştır. Bu ikinci ikâmetinin sonucunda ünlü A Residence at Constantinople (London, 1836) basılmıştır.

The Irishman Robert Walsh (1772-1852) studied at Trinity College in Dublin and was ordained a priest of the Church of Ireland. In 1815 he published in collaboration with other authors the two-volume “History of Dublin”. Walsh was chaplain to the British Embassy in St Petersburg and held the same post in Constantinople for several years, when Lord Strangford was ambassador (1821-1824 and 1830-1835). In 1828 Walsh was embassy chaplain in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, from where he travelled throughout the hinterland. Fruit of this journey is the work “Notices of Brazil in 1828 and 1829”, which speaks about the abolition of the slave trade, even though this did not happened until 1850 and the Proclamation of Emancipation was issued thirteen years later, in 1863. Walsh graduated in Medicine and practised as a doctor for some years. However, like many members of his family, he was interested also in archaeology.

$ 1.000,00
